Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Topic: District Review
Objective: Students will review, study, and complete assignments in order to pass the District Assessment.

***Note: Students should review everything in their Interactive Journals from Stars to The Carbon Cycle.***

Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3

Assignment 4
Assignment 5
  • Read here about stars and complete the activity here:
  1. Introduction
  2. Applications
  3. Interactive HR Diagram
  4. HR Diagram with Questions

Students will complete the following assignments at home to prepare for the upcoming Science District Assessment on
The score from the Science District Assessment will go into the grade book for the 3rd Nine Week marking period.

Home Learning for Science District Assessment

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Topic: Carbon Cycle
Objective: Students will describe how matter is transferred in the carbon cycle.
Home Learning: Students will 

  • Review the Carbon Cycle and complete model.
  • Complete  videos.
  • Study vocabulary terms.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Topic:Acid and Bases

  • Differentiate between acids and bases.
  • Identify examples of acids and bases.
  • Distinguish where acids and bases fall on the Ph scale (Potential Hydrogen Scale).
Home Learning:
  • Finish assignments not completed during class.
  • Study vocabulary for test next week (January 11-12, 2016)
  • Watch video on
  • Copy Acid and Base notes from the class website.
Acid and Base Notes

Properties of Acids and Bases <ul><li>Acids  </li></ul><ul><ul><li>turn blue litmus red  </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>taste ...

Understanding the pH Scale <ul><ul><li>pH stands for (presence of Hydrogen) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Numbered from 0 to ...

Acids and Bases

Monday, January 4, 2016

Topic: Acids and Bases
Objective: Students will differentiate and identify examples of  and bases.
Home Learning: Students will study the following:

  • Physical Science Vocabulary terms
  • Achieve 3000 Article
  • Review on-line information for acids and bases

Station 1
  • Students will view two videos at and take the assessment when done. :
  • *****acids and bases and ph scale*****
    *****username/password: palmbeach***** 
Station 2
  • Students will complete vocabulary cards for upcoming test on Friday (01/8/2016)

Station 3
  • Students will complete an Achieve 3000 article Give Up Oil? Not So Fast! . Do all of the steps before you complete the activity. I am taking the score for the for the first try only!!

Station 4

  • Students will go to and complete the videos. The class code is etimipv. When signing up make sure to sign up as a student, put your first initial and last name. 
  • Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...