Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Date: 08/30/2017 and 9/1/2017
Topic: Mixtures and Solutions
Objective: Distinguish between Mixtures and Solutions. Give and describe examples of both concepts.



  • atom
  • cannot
  • Periodic Table
  • atoms
  • chemically
  • cannot
  • elements or compounds
  • homogeneous
  • heterogeneous

Mixture, Solutions, and Pure Substances Vocabulary 

(Students will create a Vocabulary Foldable for each term). Students will use the following article to define the vocab terms.

  • Heterogeneous Mixture-Mixture does not have uniformed composition
  • Homogeneous Mixture-Mixture does have uniformed composition
  • Mixture-combination of two or more substances that have not combined chemically
  • Pure Substancehas a definite and constant composition,
  • Solution-Mixture in which the molecules of one substance is dissolved in another substance
  • Suspension-Mixture in which particles are large enough to settle out.
  • Element-Different kinds of atoms
  • Compound-Matter made up of two or more elements
  • Solvent- substance in which dissolves
  • Solute- subatance that gets dissolves

Mixtures and Solution On-line Activities

Solute substance that gets dissolved, Solvent Substance that dissolves , and Solution result of combining a solute and solvent.

Solutions and Mixtures:


Thursday, August 24, 2017

DATE: 8/25/2017
TOPIC: Scientific Investigations
HOME LEARNING:Students will complete vocab foldable, study for vocab quiz (8/31/2017), and get parent log signed.


v  Discuss week one vocabulary results
v  Use CONPPT to cite several examples of knowledge that is based on science.
v  Give examples of claims that are not based on science and provide evidence to support their claims
v  Identify tested/independent variables and outcome/dependent variables
v  Complete a check point on What is science? (YOU DO)

Empirical Evidence- Evidence based on observation or experiments
Quantitative Data- can be measured or counted (example numbers)
Qualitative Data- describes something (examples: color/ smell)
Replication- The reproduction of a scientific investigation by another person to ensure it is correct
Repetition- Making multiple sets of measurements or observations in scientific investigations
Trial- Multiple sets of measurements or observations in a scientific investigation
Control Group- Group that is not affected by the factor being tested
Tested Group- the group to which the variable is given
Consistent- done in a certain way over time
Predictable-  what one thinks will happen under certain conditions based on data or observations

Date: August 24, 2017
Objective: Introduction to the Atom
Home Learning: Complete edpuzzle video/quiz and study for vocab quiz (8/30/2017)


v  Complete a vocabulary foldable
Atom-smallest unit of matter
Proton-positively-charged subatomic particle found in the nucleus of atoms
Neutron-  subatomic particle with no electrical charge (neutral) found in the nucleus of an atom
Nucleus-cluster of protons and neutrons found in the center of an atom
Electron- negatively charged subatomic particle found in clouds around the nucleus of an atom 
Electron Cloud- fields surrounding the nucleus of an atom that contain electrons

Create a model that will
§  Identify that atoms are the smallest unit of all matter and that each atom consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

§  Identify the location of the nucleus and electron cloud and determine which subatomic particles belong in each location

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Date: August 23, 2017
Topic: Safety and Scientific Method
Home Learning: Students will have science documents signed and returned to teacher the following class. Complete assignments not finished during class.

Class Assignments
·         Students will work on the following:
v  Create or Update Interactive Journals and Portfolios
v  6th block with take and check their vocabulary quiz.

v  Students will use CONPPT to cite several examples of knowledge that is based on science. They will also give examples of claims that are not based on science and provide evidence to support their claims

Click the following link to set up an account

6th- naepouh            7th- nekejei         8th- zakkobo    
Date: August 22, 2017
Objective: Introduction to the Atom
Home Learning: Complete any assignments not finished in class and study for vocab quiz (8/24/17)


v  Complete a vocabulary foldable
Atom-smallest unit of matter
Proton-positively-charged subatomic particle found in the nucleus of atoms
Neutron-  subatomic particle with no electrical charge (neutral) found in the nucleus of an atom
Nucleus-cluster of protons and neutrons found in the center of an atom
Electron- negatively charged subatomic particle found in clouds around the nucleus of an atom 
Electron Cloud- fields surrounding the nucleus of an atom that contain electrons

Create a model that will
§  Identify that atoms are the smallest unit of all matter and that each atom consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
§  Identify the location of the nucleus and electron cloud and determine which subatomic particles belong in each location

Friday, August 18, 2017

August: 18-21, 2017
Topic: Variables in the Scientific Method
Home Learning: Study for Vocabulary Test and Sign up for an Edpuzzle account

Class Assignments
  Students will watch a YouTube video on the Scientific Method

  On-line Scientific Method tutorial
http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewResourceStudentTutorial/Preview/110926 (Students will complete only if necessary)

                         Scientific Method Assignments:

Click the following link to set up an account

Class codes
         1st- uviejbu                            6th- naepouh 
2nd- huruhac                               7th- nekejei 
       4th- uzocuce                         8th- zakkobo 


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16-17, 2017
Objective: Students will review the Scientific Method
Home Learning: Scientific Method Vocabulary

Scientific Method Vocabulary Terms:

Hypothesis- the answer to the question/problem
Data- collected information, the results of an experiment or investigation
Outcome Variable- factor whose value is the result of the test variable
Test Variable- factor that affects the outcome variable
Control Variable- factor in an experiment that is kept the same
Problem- asked as the result of an observation
Conclusion- compare the hypothesis to the experiment results
Scientific Method- steps used by scientist to solve a problem
Observation- statement made as a result of using our five senses
Experiment- series of steps that produces data

Class Video
  Students will watch a YouTube  video on the Scientific Method https://youtu.be/2sKX20WhKS4

Click the following link to set up an account www.edpuzzle.com

Class codes
1ST- uviejbu                            6th- owrulre
3rd- huruhac                            7th- jopilnu
4th- uzocuce                            8th- fufsoco

Monday, August 14, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year!!!! I look forward to teaching you this year. Our class theme is to level up by letting your greatness shine. 

Date: August 14-15, 2017

  • Topic- Class Rituals and Routines 
  • Objective- Students will learn and comply with class Rituals and Routines. 
  • Home Learning- Students will turn in a signed Syllabus, District Safety Lab Contract, bring in an Interactive Journal and watch a YouTube video (click the title) Welcome to a new school year. After watching the video, students will then write one paragraph (4-5 sentences) about their thoughts and feelings as it pertains to the selection. 

Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...