Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20-25,2016
Topic: We are going to pass the 8th grade Science FCAT!!!!

Station 1 

Station 2 
Station 3
  • Periodic Table and Atoms (Take notes to use as a study guide. Pay close attention to how metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.  are grouped on the Periodic Table.)
  • Periodic Table/ Atoms Quizlet (Only do the flashcard, start on the DEFINITION  side)
  • ****NOTES**** 
  • -Describe that as you move from left to right in a period (row) on the Periodic Table, the number of protons increases by one.

    -Describe that elements found in the same group/family (column) have the same properties.

    -Recognize that elements are grouped in the Period Table of Elements according to their properties.

Station 4

  • Waves (Take notes to use as a study guide.)

Station 5
  • Universe (Take notes to use as a study guide.)
Station 6

Station 7

Station 8
Station 9
Station 10

Station 11

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