Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Date: 9/21-22/2016
Topic: Historical Models of the Solar System
Objective: Students will compare and contrast Historical Models of the Solar System
Home Learning:

  • Study Historical Model Content
  • Complete Lunar Phases Calendar
  • Complete pages 105-112 (If you did not complete during class)
  • Watch and take the quiz for Historical Models on

Edpuzzle directions- Students will create notes for the following:

  • Geocentric model and who came up with the theory.
  • What is the meaning of geocentric? Create a diagram for a geocentric model.
  • Heliocentric and who came up with the theory.
  • What is the meaning of Heliocentric? Create a diagram for a heliocentric model.
  • What is the difference between a geocentric model and a heliocentric model?
The notes will be written in the Interactive Journal on the student side.

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