Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week of  11/12-16/2018

Topic: Earth's Layers
Learning Goals: I can identify the layers of the earth.
Home Learning: Study vocabulary/content and complete missing assignments

Station 1: Students will create Cornell notes using the "Earth's Layers" video from edpuzzle. Students will write the question on the key terms/ questions section and the answers under the notes section.

Station 2: Students will create Cornell notes using the on-line tutorial "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Students will click the title to open the tutorial.

Station 3: Students will complete the Achieve 3000 form using the following article " What Oil Brings".

Station 4: Students will watch a YouTube video on Earth's Layers. Students will click the title to began the video.

Station 5: Students will use the power-point from focus to complete Earth's Layers guided notes. The power-point is under Earth's Layers ppt. Click the power-point, it will load at the bottom of the page.

Station 1: Students will watch in introductory video on The Carbon Cycle. Students will click the title to start the video.
Station 2: Students will create Cornell notes using the "Carbon Cycle" video from edpuzzle. Students will write the questions in the key terms/ questions section and the answers in the notes section

Station 3: Students will create notes using the on-line tutorial "Knights of the Round Round Table; Carbon Cycle" Students will click the title to open the tutorial.

Station 4: Students will complete the Achieve 3000 form using the following article " Give up the Oil, Not so Fast."

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week of November 5-9, 2018

7th Grade
Topic:Absolute Dating
Learning Goal: Identify the numerical age of rocks and fossils using Absolute Dating.

Absolute Dating Vocabulary

Absolute dating: provides a numerical age or range in contrast with relative dating
Relative dating: which places events in order without any measure of the age between events
Absolute age: the numerical age, in years, of a rock or an object
Isotope: are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
Radioactive decay: the process by which an unstable element naturally changes into another element that is stable
Half-life: the time required for half of the parent isotopes to decay into daughter isotopes
Radioactive elements:elements that are considered unstable due to the unbalanced number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus

Achieve 3000 article: "A snap shot in time" due Friday, 11/9/2018.

8th Grade

Topic: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  • SC.8.L.18.1 Describe and investigate the process of photosynthesis, such as the roles of light, carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll production of food release of oxygen. (Complexity: High) 
  • SC.8.L.18.2 Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and releases carbon dioxide. (Complexity: High)

Home Learning:
  • Study for vocabulary test on 11/13/2018
  • Complete any assignments not finished during class.
  • Achieve 3000 article Water these plants? Maybe no(due 11/11/2018)
  • Complete PENDA activity Cellular Respiration (due 11/11/2018)

Station 1
  • Watch, analyze, and take the quiz from Study jams on Photosynthesis Video (Click the video title). It is not required to send or write the answers down in your Interactive Journal.
Station 2

  • Complete Photosynthesis video and quiz on www.edpuzzle.com. Students will use the questions and answers to create Cornell notes from the video. 

Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
  • Complete Achieve 3000 article  Water these plants? Maybe not.
Station 6
  • Students will study vocabulary cards in preparation for assessment

Reference Anchor Charts
Related image

Image result for photosynthesis and cellular respiration

**** NOTE****
It is required to know the formula (Word and Chemical) in order to master the standard.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week of October 29- November 2, 2018

7th Grade
Topic: Relative Dating
Learning Goal: Identify the age of rocks and fossils using Relative Dating
Home Learning: Students will create Cornell notes as they complete the tutorial "Hey rock, how old are you?" (Click the title to begin the tutorial.

Relative Dating Anchor Charts

Image result for relative dating

Image result for relative dating

8th Grade
Topic: Physical and Chemical Changes
Objective:Distinguish between Physical and Chemical Changes
Home Learning:Study, review online information, and complete Physical and Chemical Change Tutorial. **Print the certificate or take a picture.

Task 1 (Students will watch each video as an introduction to Physical and Chemical Changes.)

Task 2

Task 3 Physical and Chemical Change Vocabulary Terms (Students will find definitions in their current textbook.)

Physical Property
Chemical Property
Physical Change
Chemical Change
Law of Conservation of Mass


Task 4

Task 5 Home Learning

Physical and Chemical Change Anchor Charts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of October 22-26, 2018

7th Grade

Dates: October 22-26,2018
Topic: Geologic Change
Objective: Explain how Earth changed overtime.

Geologic Change Vocabulary 

  • Fossil-the preserved remains or evidence of past living things
  • Weathering-the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
  • Erosion- the moving of sediment from one place to another
  • Deposition- depositing of sediment in a new place
  • Sediment- rock material that forms when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
  • Sedimentary Rock- rock formed of mechanical, chemical, or organic sediment
  • Empirical Evidence-a source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation
  • Climate-the weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
  • Mass Extinction- extinction of many species on Earth within a short period of time
  • Land bridge-connects two continents that were previously separated

Student Activities
1. Students will take a video quiz while watching a Geologic Time Change video.

2. Students will watch and create Cornell notes from the following videos

8TH Grade

Date(s): October 22-26, 2018
Topic: Properties of Matter
Objective: Identify substances using their properties

Properties of Matter Vocabulary

  • Solubility- the ability of a substance to dissolve another one
  • Solute- the substance that gets dissolved
  • Solvent- the substance that does the dissolving
  • Solution- a mixture of a solute and solvent; uniformed throughout
  • Saturation Point- stage in which no more substance can be dissolved
  • Thermal Conductivity- the rate at which a substance transfers heat
  • Electrical Conductivity- is a measure of how well an electric current can move through a substance
  • Melting Point- when a substance is at a temperature at which it changes from a solid to a liquid
  • Boiling Point- the temperature at which a liquid turns into a vapor
  • Magnetism- when substances attract each other through a magnetic force

Properties of Matter Anchor Charts
Image result for properties of matter

Monday, October 8, 2018

8th Grade

Date: October 8-12,2018
Topic: Density
Home Learning: Study vocabulary terms and Density notes

Density Vocabulary Definitions

  • 1.      Mass - A measure of how much matter is in an object. (M=V x D)
    2.      Weight- The amount of force the acceleration of gravity exerts on an object.
    3.      Gravity- The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
    4.      Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space.
    5.      Density- The amount of matter in a given volume. (D=M/V)
    6.      Volume- The amount of space an object takes up.  (V= M/D)
    7.      Displacement- The volume or weight of a fluid displaced by a floating body of equal weight
    8.      Ratio- A way of concisely showing the relationship between two quantities of something. The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other
    9.      Proportional- Relationship between two quantities is one in which the two quantities vary directly with one and other. If one item is doubled, the other, related item is also doubled.

  • Anchor Chart 1
                    Image result for density diagram
    Anchor Chart 2
                      Image result for volume displacement images

    Anchor Chart 3
    Image result for density images

    Station 1
    Students will watch and create Cornell notes from a Density Tutorial (Click Density Tutorial to bring up the link). Notes are due at the beginning of class on 10/9/2018, notes will not be accepted late.

Monday, October 1, 2018

                                8th Grade

Date(s): October 1-5, 2018
Topic: States of Matter
Home Learning: Study vocabulary, notes, and complete assignments not finished in class.

States of Matter Vocabulary
  • Molecule- a group  of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound
  • State of Matter- is one of the four distinct forms that matter take on
  • Liquid- is a substance with a definite volume but not a definite shape.
  • Gas- is a substance that does not have a definite volume or shape.
  • Solid- is a substance with a definite volume and shape. Particles are close together and do not move freely
  • Plasma-  a state of matter (in fact the most common state of matter) made from a gas that has lost its electrons from heat

Station 1
Click for the tutorial States of Matter Tutorial

  • Students will watch the tutorial and create Cornell Notes. Students must have at least one note starting with slide number 4.

Home Learning for 8th Grade (10/5/2018) 
Students will watch and create Cornell notes from a Density Tutorial (Click Density Tutorial to bring up the link). Notes are due at the beginning of class, notes will not be accepted late. 

States of Matter Anchor Charts

Image result for states of matter images

Image result for states of matter images

Image result for states of matter images

7th Grade
Date: October 1-5, 2018
Topic: Thermal Energy/ Heat Transfer
Home Learning: Students will study vocabulary, notes, and complete assignments not finished during class. 

Thermal Energy/Heat Transfer Vocabulary
  • Temperature- measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance
  • Heat- transfer of thermal energy between substances that are at different temperatures
  • Heat Transfer- transfer of heat through convection, conduction, and radiation
  • Conduction- transfer of heat  from a warmer substance to a cooler substance through direct contact
  • Radiation- transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves
  • Convection- transfer of heat through fluids in a circular motion
  • Thermal Energy- total amount of kinetic energy contained in the particles of a substance
  • Equilibrium- heat flowing through objects until they reach the same temperature
  • Specific Heat-the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount 
  • Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy can't be created nor destroyed only transferred or transformed

  • Station 1 
  • Students will click the title to complete the tutorial Heat Energy Transfer Tutorial
  • Students will watch and create Cornell notes starting with slide 4.

  • Image result for heat transfer definition
  • Image result for heat transfer definition

Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...