Monday, October 1, 2018

                                8th Grade

Date(s): October 1-5, 2018
Topic: States of Matter
Home Learning: Study vocabulary, notes, and complete assignments not finished in class.

States of Matter Vocabulary
  • Molecule- a group  of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound
  • State of Matter- is one of the four distinct forms that matter take on
  • Liquid- is a substance with a definite volume but not a definite shape.
  • Gas- is a substance that does not have a definite volume or shape.
  • Solid- is a substance with a definite volume and shape. Particles are close together and do not move freely
  • Plasma-  a state of matter (in fact the most common state of matter) made from a gas that has lost its electrons from heat

Station 1
Click for the tutorial States of Matter Tutorial

  • Students will watch the tutorial and create Cornell Notes. Students must have at least one note starting with slide number 4.

Home Learning for 8th Grade (10/5/2018) 
Students will watch and create Cornell notes from a Density Tutorial (Click Density Tutorial to bring up the link). Notes are due at the beginning of class, notes will not be accepted late. 

States of Matter Anchor Charts

Image result for states of matter images

Image result for states of matter images

Image result for states of matter images

7th Grade
Date: October 1-5, 2018
Topic: Thermal Energy/ Heat Transfer
Home Learning: Students will study vocabulary, notes, and complete assignments not finished during class. 

Thermal Energy/Heat Transfer Vocabulary
  • Temperature- measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance
  • Heat- transfer of thermal energy between substances that are at different temperatures
  • Heat Transfer- transfer of heat through convection, conduction, and radiation
  • Conduction- transfer of heat  from a warmer substance to a cooler substance through direct contact
  • Radiation- transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves
  • Convection- transfer of heat through fluids in a circular motion
  • Thermal Energy- total amount of kinetic energy contained in the particles of a substance
  • Equilibrium- heat flowing through objects until they reach the same temperature
  • Specific Heat-the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount 
  • Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy can't be created nor destroyed only transferred or transformed

  • Station 1 
  • Students will click the title to complete the tutorial Heat Energy Transfer Tutorial
  • Students will watch and create Cornell notes starting with slide 4.

  • Image result for heat transfer definition
  • Image result for heat transfer definition

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