Monday, December 16, 2019

Image result for rock cycle diagram

Date: December 12/17/2019
Topic: Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle
Objective: Identify examples of of suface processes that affect the Rock Cycle 
Home Learning: Complete on-line assignments

Assignment 1: Students will complete on-line activities on (Click the link to start)
  • Students will use agents of Erosion to change Earth's Surface.

enter image description here

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Date: 12/5-11/19
Topic: Earth's Layers
Learning Goals: I can identify the properties and layers of the earth.
Home Learning: Study vocabulary/content and complete missing assignments


Station 1: Students will watch and mentally reflect on a YouTube video on Earth's Layers. Students will click the title to began the video

Station 2: Students will create Cornell notes using the on-line tutorial "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Students will click the title to open the tutorial.

Station 3: Students will use the power-point from focus to create (draw on a piece of paper) an Earth's Layers diagram. The power-point is under Earth's Layers power-point Click the power-point, it will load at the bottom left of the page. The diagram is also on Focus under Earth's Layers power-point.

Station 4: Students will create an edpuzzle account, at Once students create an account, they will watch the "Earth's Layers" video and take the on-line quiz.

Edpuzzle Class Codes
1st- cimanme                 5th- putvumu
2nd- wohwipu                6th- jubpikf
3rd- pagcigu                  7th- naojnop
Usernames should be your first and last name!!!!
Password:Student number

Station 5: Students will complete Achieve 3000 article(s) "A Snapshot in Time" and " What Oil Brings"

Image result for layers of the earth

Image result for layers of the earth


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Date: November 19, 2019
Topic: Geologic Change
Learning Goal: Describe how Earth has changed over time

Student activities
Station 1: Students will watch a video then take an on-line quiz


    • Username:255q Password:Brainpop
    Station 2: Students will update their Interactive Journal titles and pages
    Station 3: Students will complete their Geologic Change guided notes

    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Week of November 18-22, 2019

    Topic: Geologic Change
    Learning Goal: Describe ways in which Earth has changed over time.

    Student Activities
    Station 1: Students will complete their Geologic Change Vocab Cards 

    • Fossil-the preserved remains or evidence of past living things
    • Weathering-the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
    • Erosion- the moving of sediment from one place to another
    • Deposition- depositing of sediment in a new place
    • Sediment- rock material that forms when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
    • Sedimentary Rock- rock formed of mechanical, chemical, or organic sediment
    • Empirical Evidence-a source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation
    • Climate-the weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
    • Mass Extinction- extinction of many species on Earth within a short period of time
    • Land bridge-connects two continents that were previously separated

    Station 2: Students will take a video quiz after watching a Geologic Time Change video.

    Station 3: Students will watch and create Cornell notes from an on-line tutorial. Examine the Evidence: Earth Changing over time.

    Monday, November 4, 2019

    7th Grade
    Date: November 5, 2019
    Topic: Temperature
    Learning Goal(s):Understand that all objects have temperature due to kinetic energy of their molecules.
    Home Learning: Students will complete assignments not finished during class and study for their test on Friday.

    Temperature Vocabulary Definitions 

    • Temperature- the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a material
    • Average Kinetic Energy- the average kinetic energy in in a material
    • Molecule- a group  of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound
    • State of Matter- is one of the four distinct forms that matter take on
    • Liquid- is a substance with a definite volume but not a definite shape.
    • Gas- is a substance that does not have a definite volume or shape.
    • Solid- is a substance with a definite volume and shape. Particles are close together and do not move freely.
    • Melting Point-The process in which a solid becomes a liquid
    • Boiling Point- the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns into vapor
    • Freezing Point-When temperatures of a liquid are lowered, causing a solid to form.
    • Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transformed

    1. Students will watch the following video:
    2. Notes:

    • Complete Temperature notes on Focus

    3. Temperature Flowchart:

    • Complete Temperature flowchart on focus 

    4. Heat and States of matter tutorial:

    States of Matter Diagrams

    Monday, February 25, 2019

    7th Grade
    Date: February 25, 2019
    Topic:Evidence of Evolution
    Home Learning: Complete assignments not finished during class.

    Station 1:
    • Students will update their Interactive Journal:
    • pg. 49 Evidence of Evolution answers 
    • pg. 50 Evidence of Evolution Questions
    • pg. 51 Evidence of Evolution vocabulary definitions
    • pg. 52 Evidence of Evolution vocabulary terms
    • pg. 53 Evidence of Evolution Cornell on-line notes
    • pg. 54 Evidence of Evolution on-line notes directions
    • pg. 55 Evidence of Evolution Warm up summary 1
    • pg. 56 Evidence of  Evolution Warm up 1 

    Station 2:
    Station 3:
    • Students will make vocab flash cards for the following terms:
    1.  Natural Selection- process by which organisms change over time as those with traits best suited to an environment pass their traits to the next generation
    2. Genetic Variation- differences in traits among organisms of the same species
    3. Adaptation- a characteristic or trait that helps an organisms to survive in its environment  
    4. Fossils- remains, impression, track, or other evidence of ancient organisms
    5. Fossil Record-to refer to the total number of fossils that have been discovered, as well as to the information derived from them  
    6.  Similar Structures- body parts in different organisms that look the same
    7. Common Ancestor- an ancestor that two or more descendants have in common
    8. Vestigial Structures- are body parts that have lost their original function

    Wednesday, February 20, 2019

    Date:February 20, 2019

    8th Grade
    • Station 1: Students will create Cornell notes for 3 edpuzzle videos:

                            1. Calculating Speed
                            2. Net Force
                            3. Forces, Push and Pull


    Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...