Monday, December 12, 2016

Topic: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

  • SC.8.L.18.1 Describe and investigate the process of photosynthesis, such as the roles of light, carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll production of food release of oxygen. (Complexity: High) 
  • SC.8.L.18.2 Describe and investigate how cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and releases carbon dioxide. (Complexity: High)

Home Learning:

  • Study for vocabulary test on 12/15/2016 (A DAY) or 12/16/2016 (B DAY)
  • Complete any assignments not finished during class.
  • Achieve 3000 article Water these plants? Maybe not ( due 12/16/2016).
  • Complete PENDA activity Cellular Respiration.

Station 1

  • Watch, analyze, and take the quiz from Study jams on Photosynthesis Video (Click the video title). It is not required to send or write the answers down in your Interactive Journal.
Station 2
Station 3
  • Complete PENDA activity  on Cellular Respiration.
Station 4
  • Complete Achieve 3000 article  Water these plants? Maybe not.

Reference Images 
Related image

Image result for photosynthesis and cellular respiration

**** NOTE****
It is required to know the formula (Word and Chemical) in order to master the standard.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Topic: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Objective: Students will compare and contrast photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration.
Home Learning: Students will
  • Review the Carbon Cycle and Photosynthesis.
  • Complete  videos.
  • Study vocabulary terms.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Topic:Acid and Bases
  • Differentiate between acids and bases.
  • Identify examples of acids and bases.
  • Distinguish where acids and bases fall on the Ph scale (Potential Hydrogen Scale).
Home Learning:
  • Finish assignments not completed during class.
  • Study vocabulary for test (12/8-9/2016)
  • Study for mid- year test
Acid and Base Notes

Properties of Acids and Bases <ul><li>Acids  </li></ul><ul><ul><li>turn blue litmus red  </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>taste ...

Understanding the pH Scale <ul><ul><li>pH stands for (presence of Hydrogen) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Numbered from 0 to ...

Acids and Bases
Station 1
Station 2
  •  Students will work in collaborative groups to complete an acid, bases, and ph scale cloze activity 

Station 3
  • Students will complete the acids and bases activity on PENDA.

Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...