Monday, September 18, 2017

8th Grade

Date; September 18, 2017
Topic: Acid, Bases, and Salts
Home Learning: Study for vocabulary quiz

Acids, Bases, and Salts Vocabulary

  • Compound- composed of two or more elements (mixture)
  • Base(Alkaline)- substance with a pH of 8-14
  • pH Scale- Measures how acidic or basic a substance is
  • Acid- substance with a pH of 0-6
  • Neutral- Substance that does not have a positive nor negative charge
  • Salts- combination of acids and bases

Acid and Base Notes

Properties of Acids and Bases <ul><li>Acids  </li></ul><ul><ul><li>turn blue litmus red  </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>taste ...

Understanding the pH Scale <ul><ul><li>pH stands for (presence of Hydrogen) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Numbered from 0 to ...

Acids and Bases

8th grade fourth block

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