Monday, December 16, 2019

Image result for rock cycle diagram

Date: December 12/17/2019
Topic: Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle
Objective: Identify examples of of suface processes that affect the Rock Cycle 
Home Learning: Complete on-line assignments

Assignment 1: Students will complete on-line activities on (Click the link to start)
  • Students will use agents of Erosion to change Earth's Surface.

enter image description here

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Date: 12/5-11/19
Topic: Earth's Layers
Learning Goals: I can identify the properties and layers of the earth.
Home Learning: Study vocabulary/content and complete missing assignments


Station 1: Students will watch and mentally reflect on a YouTube video on Earth's Layers. Students will click the title to began the video

Station 2: Students will create Cornell notes using the on-line tutorial "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Students will click the title to open the tutorial.

Station 3: Students will use the power-point from focus to create (draw on a piece of paper) an Earth's Layers diagram. The power-point is under Earth's Layers power-point Click the power-point, it will load at the bottom left of the page. The diagram is also on Focus under Earth's Layers power-point.

Station 4: Students will create an edpuzzle account, at Once students create an account, they will watch the "Earth's Layers" video and take the on-line quiz.

Edpuzzle Class Codes
1st- cimanme                 5th- putvumu
2nd- wohwipu                6th- jubpikf
3rd- pagcigu                  7th- naojnop
Usernames should be your first and last name!!!!
Password:Student number

Station 5: Students will complete Achieve 3000 article(s) "A Snapshot in Time" and " What Oil Brings"

Image result for layers of the earth

Image result for layers of the earth


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Date: November 19, 2019
Topic: Geologic Change
Learning Goal: Describe how Earth has changed over time

Student activities
Station 1: Students will watch a video then take an on-line quiz


    • Username:255q Password:Brainpop
    Station 2: Students will update their Interactive Journal titles and pages
    Station 3: Students will complete their Geologic Change guided notes

    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Week of November 18-22, 2019

    Topic: Geologic Change
    Learning Goal: Describe ways in which Earth has changed over time.

    Student Activities
    Station 1: Students will complete their Geologic Change Vocab Cards 

    • Fossil-the preserved remains or evidence of past living things
    • Weathering-the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
    • Erosion- the moving of sediment from one place to another
    • Deposition- depositing of sediment in a new place
    • Sediment- rock material that forms when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces 
    • Sedimentary Rock- rock formed of mechanical, chemical, or organic sediment
    • Empirical Evidence-a source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation
    • Climate-the weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
    • Mass Extinction- extinction of many species on Earth within a short period of time
    • Land bridge-connects two continents that were previously separated

    Station 2: Students will take a video quiz after watching a Geologic Time Change video.

    Station 3: Students will watch and create Cornell notes from an on-line tutorial. Examine the Evidence: Earth Changing over time.

    Monday, November 4, 2019

    7th Grade
    Date: November 5, 2019
    Topic: Temperature
    Learning Goal(s):Understand that all objects have temperature due to kinetic energy of their molecules.
    Home Learning: Students will complete assignments not finished during class and study for their test on Friday.

    Temperature Vocabulary Definitions 

    • Temperature- the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up a material
    • Average Kinetic Energy- the average kinetic energy in in a material
    • Molecule- a group  of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound
    • State of Matter- is one of the four distinct forms that matter take on
    • Liquid- is a substance with a definite volume but not a definite shape.
    • Gas- is a substance that does not have a definite volume or shape.
    • Solid- is a substance with a definite volume and shape. Particles are close together and do not move freely.
    • Melting Point-The process in which a solid becomes a liquid
    • Boiling Point- the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns into vapor
    • Freezing Point-When temperatures of a liquid are lowered, causing a solid to form.
    • Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transformed

    1. Students will watch the following video:
    2. Notes:

    • Complete Temperature notes on Focus

    3. Temperature Flowchart:

    • Complete Temperature flowchart on focus 

    4. Heat and States of matter tutorial:

    States of Matter Diagrams

    Monday, February 25, 2019

    7th Grade
    Date: February 25, 2019
    Topic:Evidence of Evolution
    Home Learning: Complete assignments not finished during class.

    Station 1:
    • Students will update their Interactive Journal:
    • pg. 49 Evidence of Evolution answers 
    • pg. 50 Evidence of Evolution Questions
    • pg. 51 Evidence of Evolution vocabulary definitions
    • pg. 52 Evidence of Evolution vocabulary terms
    • pg. 53 Evidence of Evolution Cornell on-line notes
    • pg. 54 Evidence of Evolution on-line notes directions
    • pg. 55 Evidence of Evolution Warm up summary 1
    • pg. 56 Evidence of  Evolution Warm up 1 

    Station 2:
    Station 3:
    • Students will make vocab flash cards for the following terms:
    1.  Natural Selection- process by which organisms change over time as those with traits best suited to an environment pass their traits to the next generation
    2. Genetic Variation- differences in traits among organisms of the same species
    3. Adaptation- a characteristic or trait that helps an organisms to survive in its environment  
    4. Fossils- remains, impression, track, or other evidence of ancient organisms
    5. Fossil Record-to refer to the total number of fossils that have been discovered, as well as to the information derived from them  
    6.  Similar Structures- body parts in different organisms that look the same
    7. Common Ancestor- an ancestor that two or more descendants have in common
    8. Vestigial Structures- are body parts that have lost their original function

    Wednesday, February 20, 2019

    Date:February 20, 2019

    8th Grade
    • Station 1: Students will create Cornell notes for 3 edpuzzle videos:

                            1. Calculating Speed
                            2. Net Force
                            3. Forces, Push and Pull


    Monday, February 11, 2019

    Date: February 11, 2019
    Topic: Theory of Evolution
    Learning Goals: SC.7.L.15.2 Explore the scientific theory of evolution by recognizing and explaining ways in which genetic variation and environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection and diversity of organisms. 

    Daily Tasks

    Station 1: Update Interactive Journals and Table of Contents.
    • pg. 39 Evolution answers
    • pg. 40 Evolution Questions
    • pg. 41 Evolution vocabulary definitions
    • pg. 42 Evolution vocabulary terms
    • pg. 43 Evolution on-line notes
    • pg. 44 Evolution on-line notes directions
    • pg. 45 Evolution Warm up summary 1
    • pg 46 Evolution Warm up 1 
    Station 2: Students will watch and create Cornell notes from an on-line Cpalms tutorial. The website is (Write this information on page 44 in your Interactive Journal.)

    Station 3: Students will complete Theory of Evolution vocabulary terms on index cards.

    • Theory of Evolution- the slow change in organisms that occurs over many generations
    • Natural Selection- the process by which organisms change over time
    • Genetic Variation-the normal differences that exist among individuals of the same species
    • Diversity- variety of traits seen in a species
    • Adaptation-a characteristic or trait that helps an organism to survive in its environment
    • Environmental Factors- any factor that influences living organisms
    • Extinction-when all the organisms of a species die
    • Camouflage- coloring or covering that makes people, animals, and objects blend in with their surroundings
    Station 4: Students will complete textbook pages 527-536.

    Wednesday, January 30, 2019

    7th Grade

    Date: January 30, 2019
    Topic: Pedigree

    Students will complete the following activities:

    1. Pedigree Chart: (Students will watch, create Cornell notes, and answer video questions).

    • Username: first and last name without a space
    • Password: student number with a capital "S", lower case "s", or no "s" at all
    2. Watch a YouTube video on Pedigree Charts ( and create diagram (picture) notes. (Write down the diagram examples from the video.

    3. Complete textbook pages 475-476.

    Date: December 12/17/2019 Topic:  Weathering, Erosion, and the Rock Cycle Objective:  Identify examples of of suface processes that af...