Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12/2/15 and 12/3/15
Topic: Periodic Table

  • Describe that as you move from left to right in a period (row) on the Periodic Table, the number of protons increases by one.
  • Describe that elements found in the same group/family (column) have the same properties.
  • Recognize that elements are grouped in the Period Table of Elements according to their properties.

Periodic Table Vocabulary:
  • Atom
  • Element
  • Proton
  • Neutron
  • Electron 
  • Atomic Number
  • Periodic Table
  • Group  or Family (Column)
  • Period (Row)
Reference Pages:
  • ScienceSaurus: Periodic Table page 265
  • Fusion Science Textbook pages 377-387
Periodic Table Literature Connection 

Periodic Table Videos

Periodic Table Tutorial(s)

                                                   Periodic Table Notes
         Students will copy and then summarize the Periodic Table Notes.

  • Atomic Number is defined as the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.Every atom of the same element has the same number of protons.
  • The number of protons determines the identity of the element.
  • Typically atoms have the same number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • The mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.
  • The periodic table is arranged in horizontal rows of increasing atomic number from left to right.  It is also organized into vertical columns with similar characteristics.
  • Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons.  These particles can be distinguished based on mass, location and charge.
  • Protons:  1 amu (atomic mass unit), in nucleus, positively charged
  • Neutrons: approximately 1 amu, in nucleus, neutral charge
  • Electrons: negligible mass, outside nucleus, negatively charged.
  • Period Number = Number of Energy Levels
  • Valence electrons increase moving left to right across the period.
  • Groups = Families. Groups have similar properties!
  • Acidity increases from Group 1 to Group 18
  • Solubility of Metal salts decreases from Group 1 to Group 16
  • Metal Salts in water conduct electricity
  • Non-metal molecules do not conduct electricity in water
  • Solubility is unrelated to element type
Group 1 elements react explosively with water

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